The Libertarian Party of West Michigan is the local affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Michigan. It comprises 13 counties (Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Oceana, Osceola, and Ottawa).

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Letter to the Editor in Grand Rapids Press on 1/4/07 by Erwin Haas

Socialized medicine?

I've been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Many younger doctors believe that my time was the golden age of medicine. Doctors had respect, earned money and worked hard. Young docs worry about socialized medicine limiting their incomes, and lowering their status.

Simple analysis shows that it is only after the Democrats and Republicans socialize medicine as advocated by Dr. Burns ("Single payer best," Pulse, Dec. 19), that doctors will achieve wealth. Serious money began to flow with Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s.

When the state becomes the only source of medicinal care, politicians will pour real money into "health care" in unlimited amounts, and promulgate dozens of Mickey Mouse rules that make practicing medicine impossible, so why bother doing a good job?

Just working to follow the rules, and gaming the system will frustrate any criticism. And investing pennies in campaign contributions to the right parties will reap dollars in increased profits.

After all, the politicians will be responsible, and it will be their jobs to stifle nagging protest. Patients, well, they won't have much say except in two respects: as taxpayers to be swindled by the politicians who will conceal the obscene cost increases and, in an attempt to control these costs, to be treated like cattle in an assembly line.

  • Communications Director

    Libertarian Party of West Michigan

    Grand Rapids

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